June - Like the Monday of Summer

A Seasonal Celebration of the Land, Garden & Nature
Midsummer, Wildflower Verges, Warmth & Light, Evening Walks, Summer's Height, Blackbirds Singing, Elderflower Scent, Fledglings, Roses,Bursting Colour 

Issue 16 June 2020

"Like the Monday of Summer."

 And just like that it's June. 1st June is the start of Metereological Summer and here at the start of the month it still feels like we have the whole summer ahead.
By the end of the month we experience the longest day and the shortest night - Midsummer or The Summer Solstice. I love the run up to the longest day with all its beautiful light. The bright mornings that encourage you to get up and seize the day and the light, warm evenings when it's a joy to go out and walk in the cool and watch the sun set. 
I always feel a little melancholy on reaching Midsummer's Day (this year on 20 June), with the realisation that we've reached the peak and ultimately face tipping over the top into shortening days. I console myself with the knowledge that the warmest months are still ahead - although that's going to take some doing this year after the warmest Spring on record! 

June is named after Juno the Roman goddess of marriage and the Anglo-Saxons called it sera monath - dry month. Fingers crossed that this great weather continues in that vein but perhaps with a little overnight rain to help with the watering!
The Summer Solstice was a very important celebration in years gone by, with processions and carnivals and people staying up all night to watch the dawn. Interestingly many of the stone circles in the Northern Hemisphere are aligned to the sunrise on the solstice.
Traditionally a time for counting ones blessings and reflecting on what you've done/achieved/survived since the winter solstice at the end of December. I think this year that idea is more pertinent than ever.

Throughout the month of June, The Wildlife Trust is running its annual 30 Days Wild nature challenge.  The challenge is to do one wild thing a day - so 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness for your health, wellbeing and for the planet. 
There's a free, downloadable pack with lots of ideas to inspire you to stay wild all through June and to help you plan your wild month. 

You can sign up as an individual, family, a business, school or care home at 
Go on give it a go and let me know how you get on!

However you decide to spend your days do try and get outside safely if you can - in your garden or on a balcony or outside away from others under big skies. Let me know what June highlights you spot and/or photograph

If you have any questions you can reach me via my website www.plotgardendesign.co.uk and please follow/like PLOT Garden Design on social media to receive my seasonal updates and photo

Keep well, breathe and remember to look outside and notice the details. 
