February & Imbolc

Spring-like Hopefulness. Lengthening of days. Waning Winter. Stirring of the Land

February always seems to me to be the runt month. Shorter than its 11 colleagues it gets bad press falling at a time when we're generally fed up of winter, in the UK. The weather is often dire, we get some of the coldest temperatures with cold easterly winds from Siberia and the sea is still cold.  We're inclined to hole up indoors but the cabin fever is building after the months of winter. A bit like coming out of hibernation.

But the big up about February for me is the light levels. The light is returning. In fact the North of the UK gains nearly two hours of daily light during February - that's massive! There's always a point in Feb when the light changes. Suddenly there's a whiff of Spring in the air, a clarity of thought, a sense of hope for the warmer months ahead and a desire to sow and plant (but that last one might just be me!) It's difficult to pinpoint exactly when during the month this will happen but happen it does. It's when I get a flurry of calls from prospective clients looking to harness their gardens for the year ahead.

If you look closely during February, you will see that the Earth is busy and Nature is ramping up her activity. Nothing stands still.

Imbolc - 1st February
Imbolc ("imulk") is a Celtic 'Festival of Awakening’ that falls on 1 February. It’s midway between the shortest day and the Spring Equinox and marks the beginning of Spring. Traditionally it was an agricultural ritual with peasants carrying burning torches across farmland to purify the soil before sowing. Fires were lit to celebrate 
the returning light and to honour St Brigit the goddess of fertility, healing and fire.

We don’t really celebrate Imbolc these days which seems a shame since we’re saying goodbye to the season of Winter and embracing the next season of Spring. You could mark Imbolc yourself by bringing a few snowdrops inside – these are traditionally St Brigit’s flowers, or if the weather’s dry, wrapping up and sitting around a firepit.

"While it is February one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch. "
- Patience Strong

If you have any questions you can reach me via my website www.plotgardendesign.co.uk and please follow/like PLOT Garden Design on social media to receive my seasonal updates and photos.

